Sunday, December 25, 2011

Feng shui for Pig

Lunar month of October (Xinhai months) Western calendar two O 7 November 2012 - December 6 Banditry of this month, easily lead to disaster! During this period the most important is to lock the doors and windows, and be careful of their personal belongings, remember to money not exposed eye; go out at night to watch theft robbery!

Lunar month (Prince months) Western calendar two O 7 December 2012 - January 4, 2013 Fortune is high, are both fiscal and fortune will be profitable; but not too much waste, so as not to difficult financial wealth to accumulate.

Lunar month (Guichou months) Western calendar two O January 5, 2013 - February 3, 1999 This month fortunes, and will be the lucky winner.

Good and bad color



Pig people are busy this year, students color is brown, red and orange; if we use these colors to decorate the room or costume clothing, it would be a great help to improve the fleeting fortune. This year is a pig who avoid gray and blue, best avoided if possible.
Ji several

Qistina Feng shui

In 1956 Bingshen People born in 1956, this easy to commit villain, beware of being behind the slander. Wealth quite good, but need money to prevent the accumulation of wealth to the difficult, to guard against waste.

Monkey people are high this year, according to Fortune, is both very robust financial windfall; but the "Goki" unlucky according to life, to display wealth is difficult to accumulate wealth, or being predatory, financial management should therefore be careful this year. Wealth boom of the month this year, the Lunar April, July, September and November; in efforts to cut costs during this period should be. Downturn in fortunes this year, the month is a lunar month, February, March, May, August and October, during this period should not make major investments or gambling.

Monthly fortune

The first lunar month (Renyin months) February 4, 2012 - March 4 Fortune damaged, or not to buy the property investment business; In addition, and the need to guard against theft of the disaster.

Lunar month (mao months) Western calendar two O March 5, 2012 - April 3 Wealth is still low, we must live within our means in order to avoid financial difficulties.

Lunar month (Tzu months) Western calendar two O April 4, 2012 - May 4 During this period the most important is the financial management must be extremely careful, careful examination of revenue and expenditure of the vulnerability, an early block in order to avoid leakage of more than a lot of money! And the need to beware of deception or even bankruptcy.

Lunar (Otomi months) April Gregorian leap two O May 5, 2012 - June 4 Fortune is high, wealth has improved significantly, there is wealth and fortune and all received, but not greedy, so as not worth the candle.

Lunar month (Heigo months) Western calendar two O June 5, 2012 - July 6 Fortunes plummeted, investment and gambling can be avoided in order to avoid losses.

Lunar month (DingWei months) Western calendar two O July 7, 2012 - August 6 After the first bad fortune Sheng, the beginning of wealth in the doldrums, but fortunately there will be in mid-turn; but fortune drifting again, do not insist.

Lunar month (Shigenobu months) Western calendar two O August 7, 2012 - September
6 This month fortunes, the investment profitable; and will be lucky winner.

Lunar month (Ji months) Western calendar two O October 8, 2012 - November 6 Reversal of fortune, it is not suitable to make a major investment; and the need careful financial management, living within our means, to avoid financial wealth to go.

Lunar month (Gengxu months) Western calendar two O October 8, 2012 - November 6 Fortune is high, is financial windfall are very active, can be used for diversification of investments.

Lunar month of October (Xinhai months) Western calendar two O 7 November 2012 - December 6 Repeated fluctuations in fortune, wealth must be more careful; and income and expenditure account to be very careful handling, otherwise no end of trouble.

Lunar month (Prince months) Western calendar two O 7 December 2012 - January 4, 2013 Wealth has improved significantly; To invest in business or home, this month is the golden opportunity.

Lunar month (Guichou months) Western calendar two O January 5, 2013 - February 3, 1999 This month wealth is weak, but if careful financial management, they do not have to worry about economic problems; money to go out please remember to not be exposed eye.
Improve the wealth

Monkey To enhance the wealth of people, be in accordance with the following methods tended to increase:

One more in the West, walking, and the yellow and brown to decorate. If the door opened in the West, the door should be adopted brown carpet.
Two busy the next life according to the following West:

1 should be light - should have the sun or light exposure.

(2) should be raw - lush plant life placed.

3 should take - place a bench or sofa table meal.

4 should lie - the fiscal position should be placed in bed room.

5 Yi Ji - placing objects propitious.
Three cranes placed Lin Ching Cheung as wealth mascot.


Monkey people are smooth progress this year, more effective, but there are "flying characters" unlucky according to life, showing easily conflict with the boss and therefore must maintain a good relationship with the boss, do not contradict! At the same time due to the dorsal unlucky mixed, so we need anti-villain behind the slander. Smooth progress this year, the month of the lunar calendar April, July, September and November. Work more block of the month, is the first lunar month, February, May, August and October, during which special care must be doing things.

Monthly fortune
The first lunar month (Renyin months) Western calendar two O February 4, 2012 - March 4 Heavy work pressure, it is likely futile, and probably being a complaint. During this period the most important is the need to plan before action, if not through detailed planning, not to act rashly, so as not to recover.
Lunar month (mao months) Western calendar two O March 5, 2012 - April 3 Due to the "dorsal" unlucky according to life and therefore work will be the villain behind the slander, and there will be many non-gossip, have led to development often complications. During this period the most important is to communicate more with people, beware of being isolated, so caught in the dilemma takes two to tango.
Lunar month (Tzu months) Western calendar two O April 4, 2012 - May 4 Personnel work in the dispute died down, but it must be like the mouth and prudent, guard against the tongue strokes in particular.
Lunar (Otomi months) April Gregorian leap two O May 5, 2012 - June 4 Progress of work handy, even though some ride can be solved easily, this is a good opportunity to carry out successfully. During this period the most important, is sit on the sidelines, to see the situation first, then firmly towards goal, it can sure of success.
Lunar month (Heigo months) Western calendar two O June 5, 2012 - July 6 Progress of many constraints, the slightest mishandling, it is likely to begin with. During this period the most important is to calm response, submissive to wait for things machine, avoid head-on break, so as to avoid a small bear and a great ship.
Lunar month (DingWei months) Western calendar two O July 7, 2012 - August 6 Progress of truth, and being still not massive attack, so one wrong and one single mistake and drop cable. During this period the most important is to maintain the confidence and fighting heart, do not give up halfway because of temporary setbacks, or previous efforts will be spent.
Lunar month (Shigenobu months) Western calendar two O August 7, 2012 - September 6 Due to "three" lucky life according to this month career development very smoothly, efficiently, and there will be guidelines and elegant guide and support. During this period the most important thing is not to be carried away by momentary victory, the foundation must be tied, to improve relationships, Riding This ensures horse off the ground.
Lunar month (Ji months) Western calendar two O September 7, 2012 - October 7 Career development has encountered a strong opponent, must be careful to deal with; and there will be many non-tongue, difficult to concentrate on work. During this period the most important is to play it safe, try to keep a low profile, away from the right and wrong, in order to avoid non-ridden and no end of trouble.
Lunar month (Gengxu months) Western calendar two O October 8, 2012 - November 6 This month's fortune boom, personnel disputes settled, you can fully develop their career; and blessing to the soul of this month, particularly good ideas, help work towards a newer and higher level. During this period the most important is to dare to seize the opportunity, innovation, and do not hesitate to shrink, or too conservative, so as not to miss this opportunity! This month hard work and hope for the best.
Lunar month of October (Xinhai months) Western calendar two O 7 November 2012 - December 6 Work due to bad people provoke obstruction, which often complicate the issue, or even to begin with. During this period the most important thing is must maintain good relations with superiors and colleagues, do not contradict the occurrence, tit for tat, to avoid jeopardizing a promising future.
Lunar month (Prince months) Western calendar two O 7 December 2012 - January 4, 2013 Work because of the emergence of inspiration, doing things handy; can seize the opportunity, it may come to the fore, Albatron straight. During this period the most important thing is doing things others must be realistic and fair to deal with, not to be biased, otherwise it will cause a series of troubles, deserted!
Lunar month (Guichou months) Western calendar two O January 5, 2013 - February 3, 1999 Monkey people are more block in the first half of this year fortune, in the second half is more smoothly; end of this month, although slightly lower, but if careful, Chiyingbaotai, there will be a good development and harvest. During this period the most important person to Him a favor, everything must be left open, forgive and forget, large great blessing.
Resolve the villain slander

Monkey who would like to resolve the villain slander, melt the ghost can be placed as a mother rhino mascot.


Monkey people are high this year, according to Fortune, is both very robust financial windfall; but the "Goki" unlucky according to life, to display wealth is difficult to accumulate wealth, or being predatory, financial management should therefore be careful this year. Wealth boom of the month this year, the Lunar April, July, September and November; in efforts to cut costs during this period should be. Downturn in fortunes this year, the month is a lunar month, February, March, May, August and October, during this period should not make major investments or gambling.
Monthly fortune

1. The first lunar month (Renyin months) Western calendar two O February 4, 2012 - March 4 Fortune damaged, or not to buy the property investment business; In addition, and the need to guard against theft of the disaster.
Lunar month (mao months) Western calendar two O March 5, 2012 - April 3 Wealth is still low, we must live within our means in order to avoid financial difficulties.

2. Lunar month (Tzu months) Western calendar two O April 4, 2012 - May 4 During this period the most important is the financial management must be extremely careful, careful examination of revenue and expenditure of the vulnerability, an early block in order to avoid leakage of more than a lot of money! And the need to beware of deception or even bankruptcy.

3. Lunar (Otomi months) April Gregorian leap two O May 5, 2012 - June 4 Fortune is high, wealth has improved significantly, there is wealth and fortune and all received, but not greedy, so as not worth the candle.

Lunar month (Heigo months) Western calendar two O June 5, 2012 - July 6 Fortunes plummeted, investment and gambling can be avoided in order to avoid losses.

7. Lunar month (DingWei months) Western calendar two O July 7, 2012 - August 6 After the first bad fortune Sheng, the beginning of wealth in the doldrums, but fortunately there will be in mid-turn; but fortune drifting again, do not insist.

8.Lunar month (Shigenobu months) Western calendar two O August 7, 2012 - September 6 This month fortunes, the investment profitable; and will be lucky winner.

9. Lunar month (Ji months) Western calendar two O October 8, 2012 - November 6 Reversal of fortune, it is not suitable to make a major investment; and the need careful financial management, living within our means, to avoid financial wealth to go.

10. Lunar month (Gengxu months) Western calendar two O October 8, 2012 - November 6 Fortune is high, is financial windfall are very active, can be used for diversification of investments.

11. Lunar month of October (Xinhai months) Western calendar two O 7 November 2012 - December 6 Repeated fluctuations in fortune, wealth must be more careful; and income and expenditure account to be very careful handling, otherwise no end of trouble.

12. Lunar month (Prince months) Western calendar two O 7 December 2012 - January 4, 2013 Wealth has improved significantly; To invest in business or home, this month is the golden opportunity.

13. Lunar month (Guichou months) Western calendar two O January 5, 2013 - February 3, 1999 This month wealth is weak, but if careful financial management, they do not have to worry about economic problems; money to go out please remember to not be exposed eye.
Improve the wealth

Monkey To enhance the wealth of people, be in accordance with the following methods tended to increase:

One more in the West, walking, and the yellow and brown to decorate. If the door opened in the West, the door should be adopted brown carpet.
Two busy the next life according to the following West:

1 should be light - should have the sun or light exposure.

(2) should be raw - lush plant life placed.

3 should take - place a bench or sofa table meal.

4 should lie - the fiscal position should be placed in bed room.

5 Yi Ji - placing objects propitious.
Three cranes placed Lin Ching Cheung as wealth mascot.


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Monkey people this year, ill health, must pay close attention to diet, hygiene, and guard against fatigue, so sick and no end of trouble. This year the month of health is problematic, is the first lunar month, May, August, October and December. Lunar New Year in March and April to be anti-gastrointestinal damage or food poisoning, you need anti-July satyric damage the health.
Important month
The first lunar month (Renyin months) Western calendar two O February 4, 2012 - March 4 Poor health, not to overwork spring play communication in order to avoid getting too much.
Lunar month (Tzu months) Western calendar two O April 4, 2012 - May 4 Health is not right, but must pay close attention to food hygiene to prevent gastrointestinal damage; early to be anti-fall injuries.
Lunar (Otomi months) April Gregorian leap two O May 5, 2012 - June 4 Quite good health, but to guard against cold food, beware of food poisoning.
Lunar month (Heigo months) Western calendar two O June 5, 2012 - July 6 Poor health, physically and mentally fatigued; defective will be required if the extension of medical care as soon as possible, should not suffer in silence.
Lunar month (DingWei months) Western calendar two O July 7, 2012 - August 6 A slight improvement in health, are advised to travel.
Lunar month (Shigenobu months) Western calendar two O August 7, 2012 - September 6 Good health, but to be anti-satyric beverages.
Lunar month (Ji months) Western calendar two O September 7, 2012 - October 7 Health is problematic, to be more restful sleep, beware of overwork.
Lunar month (Gengxu months) Western calendar two O October 8, 2012 - November 6 Good health, good health, but need to take care of elderly family home safety and health.
Lunar month of October (Xinhai months) Western calendar two O 7 November 2012 - December 6 Poor health, will be a little sick negligence.
Lunar month (Prince months) Western calendar two O 7 December 2012 - January 4, 2013 Health improved, but not Zhanre any narcotic drug.
Lunar month (Guichou months) Western calendar two O January 5, 2013 - February 3, 1999 Average health status, must pay close attention to health care, so as not to take advantage of the disease.
Method to resolve

Monkey To improve the health of people, can be placed gourd as a health mascot.

Monkey popularity this year, poor people, who really difficult to communicate with the contacts, to try to eliminate the divide. The feelings of men and women, this year hit it hard with the opposite sex, bumpy road conditions. This year the month of love is problematic, is the lunar month, June, August and October. Feeling better progress the month, the lunar calendar April, July, September and November.
Important month
The first lunar month (Renyin months) Western calendar two O February 4, 2012 - March 4 Although the emergence of this month around the opposite sex, but unfortunately never meant to.
Lunar month (mao months) Western calendar two O March 5, 2012 - April 3 This month emotional and volatile, there is likely to have a third party, beware of emotional cracks.
Lunar month (Tzu months) Western calendar two O April 4, 2012 - May 4 Feelings of a turnaround, but should not be rushed, so as to avoid haste makes waste.
Lunar (Otomi months) April Gregorian leap two O May 5, 2012 - June 4 Easy to get popular this month, but also with the opposite sex either.
Lunar month (Heigo months) Western calendar two O June 5, 2012 - July 6 This month is easy with the population of the conflict angle, must be more patient tolerance.
Lunar month (DingWei months) Western calendar two O July 7, 2012 - August 6 This month feeling like elusive and unpredictable.
Lunar month (Shigenobu months) Western calendar two O August 7, 2012 - September 6 This month feeling particularly rich, beware of being passionate anti-sentimental mistake.
Lunar month (Ji months) Western calendar two O September 7, 2012 - October 7 This month feeling lonely, difficult to hit it with the opposite sex, should not be impatient force.
Lunar month (Gengxu months) Western calendar two O October 8, 2012 - November 6 This month popular good, feelings of harmony.
Lunar month of October (Xinhai months) Western calendar two O 7 November 2012 - December 6 Feeling like a sail against the current, easy to back is hard.
Lunar month (Prince months) Western calendar two O 7 December 2012 - January 4, 2013 Turnaround in mid-feelings, to take advantage of the opportunity to cultivate their feelings.
Lunar month (Guichou months) Western calendar two O January 5, 2013 - February 3, 1999 Feelings Ruoyouruowu, in summer insist.
Method to resolve

Monkey lovers who want to feelings of harmony with, or enhance the feelings of movement, the feelings can be placed mid-concentric as mascot.
Ji Fang, Ji and Ji several colors

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Good and bad directions

Monkey people are students this year, Wang Ji-three side, the West, Southeast and East; if the bed, table and sofa in the house placed on the three directions can meet this year's Lunar New feng shui trend Ominous Road will help improve the fleeting fortunes.

If not so, will at least take these three most important furniture away from the southwest and northeast, to meet the road to avoid fierce.
Good and bad color



Monkey people are busy this year, students color is black, blue and white; if we use these colors to decorate the room or costume clothing, it would be a great help to improve the fleeting fortune. Monkey people this year, avoid brown and purple, best avoided if possible.
Ji several


Monkey people are busy this year, the number of students is three and eight.

Alimi Feng Shui

The first lunar month (Renyin months) February 4, 2012 - March 4 Wealth boom, is both a financial windfall gain, but not too greedy! Months is likely to lucky winner.
Lunar month of October (Xinhai months) Western calendar two O 7 November 2012 - December 6 Fortune is high, to invest, this is the best time! Months is likely to lucky winner.
Good and bad color



Rabbit people are busy this year, students color is green, blue and orange; if we use these colors to decorate the house or costume dress, it would be a great help to improve the fleeting fortune. Rabbit people avoid this gray and black, it is best to avoid using.
Ji several
